(Updated 7/15/12) How do you WordPress?

I know that I do the majority of my “wordpressing” from my phone…

The ability to do everything from my iPhone definitely has contributed to the number of my posts, which is a good thing. Because I sit in front of a computer all day @ work, I can’t bring myself to even open my laptop or sit in front of the computer @ home. However, because I find it incredibly frustrating to type anything more than a few sentences, I definitely type less so my posts/comments/responses aren’t as informative/witty/interesting as they could be… It’s a total catch 22.

Do you “Wordpress” from your phone, ipad, tablet, computer most? I’m interested to know how you all keep up with your blogging?

Also, how many of you have paid WordPress accounts? Is it really worth it? Pro’s & Cons?

Do you blog on multiple platforms (Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, etc)? If so do you post the same content on all platforms, or do you tailor your content for each platform?

Any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated 🙂

42 thoughts on “(Updated 7/15/12) How do you WordPress?

  1. I do everything from my desk and I’m only at WordPress.

    I upgraded my blog to just russelrayphotos2.com, but if I had it to do again (i.e., when this year expires, I’m probably going to downgrade to russelrayphotos2.wordpress.com. The extra charge is just for vanity, and I’m really not that vain…………lol

  2. I also use Blogspot as well, but I use that for when I am upset, and use it to vent my frustration, so whilst it is not hidden, I tend not to give out the address for that one, as sometimes I may come across as a spoilt brat (even though I’m 45 lol)

  3. I have the free account and I update from my laptop. I have the iOS version on my iPhone 4S but I haven’t had the patience to figure out how to use it. I’m about to go on a road trip though so maybe I will play with it then. I agree that I get tired of typing pretty quickly on the phone so any posts I do write on my phone will be waaaaay shorter… :-/

  4. Interesting questions!

    I WordPress from my laptop at home, free account. (I queue/ schedule posts, so it’s not necessary to sit down in front of my computer and blog every single day, which is unfun, I agree.)

    I’ve never even considered the difference in blogging for different platforms. Sorry to be dumb, but what does that even mean? WordPress vs. Blogger vs. Tumblr? Mac vs. Windows? iPhone vs. Android? PC vs. mobile? How would/ should the content differ?

    I’m considering upgrading my dumbphone to a smartphone, largely so I utilize my train commute to visit everyone’s photoblogs. But even my slow home internet can barely load everyone’s big beautiful photos, and I’m uneasy about trying to do that on a smartphone. What is it like to look at photoblogs on a smartphone? Does it take forever for photos to load? Does it use a lot of data? Are the photos large enough to even see what’s going on with them, or is it like looking at a little thumbnail?

    Sorry I can’t offer any tips, but I’m curious too!

  5. Good questions! I post from my iPhone with the WordPress app only if it’s just a photo or a few sentences, as in the case of Single Image Sundays. Otherwise, I blog from my laptop. And even with phone-based posts, I’ll still come in and add stuff later via the computer. As for paid features, I have signed up for custom domain mapping, to get rsmithing.com vs. rsmithing/.wordpress.com as the official address of my blog. This also helps with sharing links across other social networks. If you upgrade anything at all with paid features, definitely do this as soon as possible. I’m thinking about going for the custom fonts/css upgrade, but I’m not quite there yet.

  6. I do all my bloging from my Mac. I look at my mail in bed using my iPad. WordPress for iPad I really bad. I can’t write on my phone, it took 10 minutes to type ‘thank you’ to my mom. I tried to leave you a comment on one of your posts about the graveyard, but it said I had to log into flicker, it was hell, the post said wordpress but put on flicker which means I cannot leave my awesome comments! I Love the graveyard, the name of the quOte (that was perfect for your picture). What did he do? How do I know his name?

    • Hahahahaha!!!!!
      Your comments ARE awesome 🙂

      I’m not sure why you couldn’t comment on the cemetery pic either, hopefully it was just a glitch & doesn’t happen again. To be honest, I didn’t even know who Arthur Brisbane was until u asked, it was a just a comment that I saw or heard somewhere & was so fitting for the picture. I did google him since you asked & he was a news paper reporter & editor in the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s…

      One last question, ave you paid for any of the extra features on your wordpress?

      • BTW, I looked & that last one is your only question, you just know that I’ll ask more questions in the future just to irritate you. Yes, I paid 100 bucks (site I use now, is now $60 bucks, bastards) But I liked it b/c I started site with a friend who picked a free one & I uploaded all my pictures & they were all in a long line, all I could think of was, I have some many saved images over the year, the site looks like a receipt. so I found the only one that had double lines. But it looks like I’m gonna have to pay more, I’ve used most of my space….Arthur Brisbane was newspaper reporter, thats it? Was he famous for a story…nevermind I shall google himself. That way I will leave you now questions. How long did it take you to type your text to me?

      • BWAHAHAHHAHAHHHAAA Actually, I’m not typing my response from my iPhone (which is why it took so many days for me to respond), there is no way that I could type anything more than a few lines without wanting to fling my phone across the room, & then how else would I take my pictures? When you figure out why Brisbane was famous, let me know…

  7. Everything I do on wordpress as far as publishing goes is done on my phone since that’s what I usually have handy. I’ve diminished the use of my computer, macbook and digital camera all in one shot with the iphone. The only posts I do on a computer or ipad (at work – don’t tell!) is for writing. It’s easier to type on the keyboard and change my publishing options (password protected). This is where I usually do the whole browsing thing too since the app is super limited. I have one paid feature and that’s the custom design. I’m kind of a typography whore so I definitely use the feature. It’s good for small css edits too and now I hear you can change color schemes with it. The other features, I don’t care enough to pay for since there are services out there that do it for free (videopress – vimeo, music-soundcloud, etc.)

    • I definitely agree, I don’t think I’ve used my digital camera in YEARS LOL
      I wish I could play with my blog(s) (more) @ work but alas, I am not allowed =-(
      How about plug ins? (Not glade kind) Do you use them on your blog? If so, which ones?

  8. I WordPress both from the phone and on my laptop. I also use the phone to check other blogs too. I don’t find problems keeping up even though I use two platforms.

  9. I have the WordPress app on my iPhone for keeping track of my blog, but I also have the web page saved as an icon- the only way to get rid of spam & to sticky your posts.
    I have the publish to button linked to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ & I also have the blog linked into Google Analytics to see where my blog & keywords link to hits.
    Also good to keep typing the name of your blog within posts to make sure multiple posts show up on Google searches.
    I hope that helps 🙂

    • I really appreciate your input, Emma! I have a Google Analytics account, I just haven’t figured out how to link it to my WordPress… Is that something I have to pay extra to be able to do?

  10. Very interesting topic. I generally write in Evernote and then post via iPad. I also use my laptop to clean things up.

  11. I know exactly what you are talking about. I work in a power plant and it is so incredibly hot all 12 hours of shift. When I get home I just do not feel like doing anything other than chilling out. And the fact that who wants to hear about what goes on in a power plant?

  12. I generally Tweet from my iPhone. I spend too much time thinking about what I’m going to write, normally, to do it on a phone..
    Which is probably why I don’t blog frequently…
    As for paid extras..are you going to modify the Theme of your site or load someone elses? Do you need additional storage?
    If not… why bother…

    my $00.02

    • I appreciate your $.02 🙂
      I’d definitely like to shorten the web address to my blog, but I was wondering if I should just get the $99 bundle because I don’t think I can get it later if I decide to pay separately for any single feature.

  13. I don’t pay for any of it, and while I upload pics from my phone directly, I try to type at my computer. It bugs me when I post typos, and I feel I have better control of that from the laptop. Typos in others’ posts don’t bother me so much though…:-) I am curious about what people pay for and why, too.

    • So you feel the same way I do!! It’s the typos that make me so reluctant to type more than a few words on my posts… As far as the paid features go, I’m really trying to figure out if it’s even worth it for me to pay for any features @ all. Aside from shortening the web address to http://www.damnquemala.com, I’m not sure that I need any of the other features but I’m hesitating because the minute I pay for just the web address change, I’ll find out that I was better off with the whole $99 bundle… 🙂

  14. I mostly use my iPad to write and publish the posts, unless I am posting a lot of pics or want to do some better formatting then I will use my laptop.
    I did pay for the ability to change my font’s. I too have thought about the upgrading, now and then I will see something that is only possible with a paid account, but I am still tossing it around in my head. I have a few ideas I may be adding in the future so we will see how that goes first!

    • I’d love an iPad, I just haven’t found a way to justify the purchase because I had a tablet for years that I barely ever used & ended up selling LOL!! I look forward to seeing the changes you have planned!

  15. I’m in the dark ages–haven’t even got an iphone! I blog & upload art and photos from my computer, but I don’t mind because it allows me to format and also think more about what I want to say. It’s a free blog, and the same stuff pretty much goes on my tumblr & deviantart as well. I think the three sites have different audiences, it’s an ability to have these things seen by more different people.

    • LOL!! I’m so glad you responded!! just created a Deviant Art account because I think some of my darker pictures would probably be appreciated there… I definitely prefer to work on my blog from my computer, I think my best bet is gonna be to schedule @ least 1 or 2 days a week @ the computer for tweaks…

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