Light Traffic

Light Traffic by damn_que_mala
Light Traffic, a photo by damn_que_mala on Flickr.

SlowShutter! is an iOS camera app that allows you shoot in long exposure. Obviously shooting without a tripod (or a steady hand) produces blurry images, but practice supposedly makes perfect =)

Via Flickr:
Taken with the SlowShutter! camera app and edited in PhotoForge.

Silhouettes of a Woman

Beauty of a WomanDreams of a WomanJoy of a WomanStrength of a Woman

Silhouettes of a Woman, a set on Flickr.

This was  my first attempt at shooting silhouettes… I dragged my best friend out to the beach, in the freezing cold, wearing next to nothing & made her “frolic” around barefoot in wet sand.

We actually had a the best time & I ended up with some pretty decent shots!

Vertigo – George Washington Bridge NYC

Vertigo by damn_que_mala
Vertigo, a photo by damn_que_mala on Flickr.

This shot was actually chosen as the @_Made_In_NY Daily A.M. Feature yesterday, which was very exciting!!

Via Flickr:
Taken with the native iPhone 4s camera, edited in Dramatic B&W and Snapseed.

Prints available without the watermark in my Society 6 shop @

Purple Haze

Purple Haze by damn_que_mala
Purple Haze, a photo by damn_que_mala on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Native 4s cam, edited in Camera+ and NIR Color.

Jones Beach via Hipstamatic

HipstaPrintHipstaPrintHipstaPrintHipstaPrintHipstaPrintCamera Roll-1776
Camera Roll-1737HipstaPrint

Jones Beach via Hipstamatic, a set on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
via Hipstamatic